Linux turns 15 today

on 3/13/09
The good ol' geeky OS Linux turns 15 today. Since its first line of code it was made to be great (and under appreciated). Here are some of the things that happened in its life: (from Gizmodo)


1987: MINIX, the more dangerous and hardcore older brother you've always idolized, was born.

1991: Linus Torvalds is pissed he can't access his university's UNIX servers to his liking, so he wrote the code that would become your DNA. Which I guess is better than your parents just getting blind drunk and conceiving you in their Vegas drive-through honeymoon suite.

March 13 1994: Judging by this pretty hardcore looking log file, your version 1.0 was release on this day 15 years ago.

1996: You're two years old, and you already have a logo. Tux the penguin is created.

1998: Richard Stallman, kind of like your step dad, shaves his beard. It grows back to the same fullness the next day.

November 2000: The first Linux-powered cellphone is announced, the IMT-2000 in Korea. It was developed by SK Telecom, Seoul National University and "PalmPalm Technology."

2003: IBM releases those creepy ads comparing Linux to a sponge-like kid soaking up all the world's knowledge.

2004: Ubuntu's first release. You're going mainstream kind of!
