Bing: Microsoft may have got it right this time

on 6/4/09

A few days ago Microsoft released its new, long-awaited search engine, Bing. It touts video previews, easy business listings, and much,much more. It has a nice, dead simple interface and a nice color palette. Right on the start page non"internet savvy" people will feel right at home, the sidebar on the right directs with large type to Shopping, Travel, News, Images, Videos, and Web search.

One of the nice features is all the ways you can narrow down the image search. You can choose the size, the style of photo, and who is in the photo. There are also options to change how the thumbnails are shown, from only one at a time to many on screen at once. While it can't give you witty humor like Wolfram Alpha can, it sure has some snazzy features.

If you search something in Bing it will give you many options to expand on it, from searching downloads to repairs and games for the Wii or any other product.

When you search for videos it plays a preview of it when you roll over the video, with sound too. If you click on the video it will show a larger preview with the results still under it, along with a link to view the video at its site of origin.

Bing also give phone numbers for businesses when you search for them and search suggestions inside of the results, and probably more that I'm not putting here.

The search results, overall, are comparable to any other engine. It seems like a solid, all purpose search engine that really wants you to use it. I think Microsoft hit it right with this one, bit, it is not the Google-killer we are waiting for, and, it may never come.