$17,500 NES Game Sells on Ebay

on 7/6/09

This is a story of a true fanboy; someone willing to pay $17,500 for an NES game with under 7 minutes of playtime on it. Why would anybody buy such a game you ask? Well, your answer: The Internet.

A man by the name of JJ Hendricks had purchased this game for an insane amount off of Ebay-A "cheap" $17,500. He bought the game as a collectors item, it is a special gold colored cartridge used in a contest run by Nintendo. The contest involved players getting the highest score in several Nintendo games (Super Mario Bros., Tetris, &Ridge Racer) within a time limit of 6 minutes 21 seconds.

Only 26 of these cartridges were made (according to Wikipedia), so they are the "Holy Grail" of games, as Hendricks says. This was actually a good deal, the game was originally list for $25,000.