Apple Adds Integrated Youtube into Snow Leopard: Tries to Bypass Adobe

on 5/6/09

Apple has already been hesitant to add support for Adobe's widely used Flash plugin on the iPhone but today marks another harsh blow by Apple. Apple will now have integrated Youtube support in its new operating system Mac OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard). This is good because this will lead to more profits for Apple (and most likely a copycat from Microsoft). But, here's the catch, Apple will only do this if Google(which owns Youtube) will transfer all of Youtube's videos from Flash format to H.264 format. This means even more share is lost to Apple, already Adobe is losing ground due to iTunes. I don't think Flash is going to die any time soon though. Many widely popular sites still use Flash, such as Myspace, Facebook, Apple (suprisingly), and many game sites such as Kongregate. You can read more at 14U. Also, thanks to The Eclectic Skeptic for the tip.