A few weeks ago I wrote about the new search engine called Wolfram Alpha. It is made by the Wolfram company, that makes mathematics and science software such as Mathematica. So, obviously, this is one nerdy search engine. Yesterday they let beta testers check it out (I...um...forgot to...sign up) and it ran a tad rocky. Today, though, its released to the whole world. And it is cool, not amazingly useful, but still pretty cool.
But, on using it for myself, I now know it will definitely not be the Google killer. It does have a vast amount of information on very advanced topics. But, it is far to complicated for normal users, for people who do not understand how to even email it will be completely useless. But, Wolfram Alpha is not made for those people, it is made for tech savvy teachers, scientists, and geeks(like me!). It can tell you advanced equations, facts about universities, information on historical figures, and much much more.
The interface is incredibly easy to use, surprising on such an advanced search engine. The website runs fast, even under incredible loads of traffic. It also has nice, easy to read type. But, the real reason you want to use it so you can say you didn't use Wikipedia on school projects. I give it an A- (pun intended).
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